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NETApP Workshop: Visual Appearance Measurement and Reproduction

Wednesday September 4, at NTNU, Kobolt (K) building, room K113.


09.00 Welcome and Introduction

09.05 “Meso-Facets for Goniochromatic 3D Printing”, Philipp Urban (Fraunhofer Institute, Germany)

09.45 Coffee break

10.15 “How to design the appearance of a 2.5D print (e.g. for cultural heritage) and the unresolved aspects”, Abigail Trujillo (Ex-ApPEARS ERS)

10.45 “Visually Significant Dimensions and Parameters for Gloss”, Donatela Saric (FOGRA, Germany)

11.15 Discussions

11.30 Lunch

12.15 "Advancing Material Appearance Measurement: A Multispectral Solution", Majid Ansariasl, NTNU (Online)

12.35 “Material Appearance: From Perceptual Dimensions to Visual Fingerprints”, Jiri Filip

13.15 "Colour and texture appearance reproduction", Ronnier Luo, Thouslite, China

13:45 Coffee break

14:00 "Iso-photography : at the crossroads between appearance design and engineering", Thomas Labardens, UVR, France

14.30 Discussions

14.45 End of the Workshop

ICC Expert Day (open meeting on spectral imaging)

See more information about the programme on https://www.color.org/events/spectral_imaging.xalter