Call for papers

Call for Papers

Topics of interest

Topics of particular interest to CVCS 2024 include, but are not limited to:

  • Colour and Image Metrology
  • Computational Photography
  • Light and Colour
  • Vision and Perception
  • Colour Science
  • Cross-Media Colour Reproduction
  • Spectral Image Capture, Processing, Analysis and Reproduction
  • Image and Video Processing and Analysis
  • Image and Video Quality Assessment and Enhancement
  • Material Appearance, Visualisation and Reproduction
  • 3D Capture and Reproduction
  • Spectral Image Capture, Processing and Reproduction
  • Imaging for Applications: Remote Sensing, Cultural Heritage, Health, Forensics, Biometrics

Paper submission

Three types of submissions are accepted:

  • Full paper: Original and unpublished work. Accepted papers will be included in the conference programme and they will be submitted for publication as a CEUR Workshop Proceedings volume with open access (currently indexed by Google Scholar, DBLP, and Scopus). Only full papers are eligible for the Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards.
  • Abstract only: Accepted abstracts will be included in the conference programme, but they will not be submitted for publication in the proceedings.
  • Student session abstract: Bachelor and master students are invited to submit an extended abstract describing their work for consideration in a poster and/or demo session.

All submissions will go through a double-blind review process. For submission guidelines, please find more information here.

Registration waivers and travel grants
The top three nominees for both the Best Student Paper and Best Paper awards will receive a registration waiver and a travel grant including three nights' accommodation (6 grants in total). Additionally, NOBIM will sponsor two domestic travel grants for students enrolled at or affiliated with a Norwegian institution. Conditions apply.

Download the Call for Papers:


Submission deadline
31st of May 2024

Notification of acceptance
1st of July 2024

Camera ready deadline
10th of August 2024

Registration deadline
15th of August 2024