Student session
CVCS 2024 would like to encourage bachelor and master students to present posters and/or demos of their on-going and recently finished research in the dedicated students session.
Topics of particular interest to CVCS 2024 include, but are not limited to:
- Colour and Image Metrology
- Computational Photography
- Light and Colour
- Vision and Perception
- Colour Science
- Cross-Media Colour Reproduction
- Spectral Image Capture, Processing, Analysis and Reproduction
- Image and Video Processing and Analysis
- Image and Video Quality Assessment and Enhancement
- Material Appearance, Visualisation and Reproduction
- 3D Capture and Reproduction
- Spectral Image Capture, Processing and Reproduction
- Imaging for Applications: Remote Sensing, Cultural Heritage, Health, Forensics, Biometrics
The student poster and demo session are designed with the goal of discussions and communications between early state researchers and leading experts in the field with the hope that the feedback received will greatly benefit the students and encourage them to continue their work in colour and visual computing.
CVCS invites bachelor and master students to submit an extended abstract (two pages, including references) describing their work, their findings, and future direction they would like to take. Abstracts must be written in English using the official template and submitted via Microsoft CMT (submission page).
Submission implies willingness of the student to register for CVCS 2024 and present the work.
All submissions will go through a review process and will be evaluated based on technical merit and innovation, with a particular focus on the potential to trigger discussions and exchange of ideas.
Upon acceptance, the extended abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings available to the participants but will not be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings volume along with the main conference papers.
Student Poster and Demo sessions
During CVCS a special session will be dedicated to the accepted abstracts in which the students will present their work as a poster and/or demo to the participants. Further information about this session, along with other interactive sessions, will be announced on the CVCS webpage in due course.
Travel grant for students
NOBIM will sponsor two domestic travel grants for students enrolled at or affiliated with a Norwegian institution. Conditions apply.
Best student poster/demo
At the end of the symposium an award will be given to the best student poster/demo selected by a special committee.
Important dates
Submission deadline for the Student poster/demo session: August 12, 2024
Notification of Acceptance for the Student poster/demo session: August 14, 2024
Camera ready deadline for the student poster/demo session: August 20, 2024
For additional information, please visit, or email: